When you're trying to support your family, take care of your household, and pay all of your bills on time, every day at your work counts. Work injuries can be a huge problem for many folks, and we see many of these types of injuries in our Livermore office. Haque Chiropractic Inc. appreciates your situation and is here to support you.
The benefits of chiropractic adjustments for work injuries are well-documented. A 2013 research paper involving 651 adults who were troubled with either back or neck pain found that the men and women who didn't see a chiropractor missed work at twice the rate of those who were seeing a chiropractor.
According to the participants in this report, two of the major factors were that they thought they needed a referral for chiropractic care (which is typically no longer true) and they overestimated the costs associated with chiropractic care sessions by almost 70%.
The reality is, chiropractic patients actually spend less on care than medical patients, plus they are less likely to use drugs for their symptoms.
If you live in Livermore and you've been injured at work, we can help. Give our office a call today at (925) 960-1960 for an appointment.
"Thousands of Minnesotans with Back and Neck Pain Don't Seek Treatment." (2013, June 12). ChiroCare.
Dr. Anita Haque
Dr. Anita Haque grew up in Toronto Canada and came to California to pursue her dream of being a chiropractor. After graduating magnum Cum Lade from Cleveland Chiropractic College 2003 in Los Angeles, she moved to the bay area and opened her practice in 2004. She has since then joined forces with Lifestyle Fitness in Livermore to run a full chiropractic, personal training, injury rehab, massage therapy and Cryoskin (new) facility in Livermore.